This is a rant that’s been brewing in me for a long time, but I’ve held my piece. Well, today I had another go at trying to read ‘Blood Canticle’ and I just can’t hold back any longer. I find[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for June, 2006
So this is it. barring unforseen circumstances, Adam and I will be moving back into my parents house before the end of july. And really, I don’t want to hear anyone say anything negetive about this. Its a decsion I’ve[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Movie Detroit City Rock
I am not awesome I am not awesome I am not awesome I am not awesome I am not awesome I am not awesome I am not awesome I am not awesome I am not awesome I am not awesome[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Did some colorbars. Feel free to snag.
Stretch from Casper as a human. CLick for larger.
powerful, sinister, nasty, manipulative, wicked, imposing, arrogant, devious, aloof, sarcastic, witty, calculating… (I will probably add to this later)
And in that field there rang out a pure note, as if a confimation, as if an affirmation that everything they had hoped and sought was right before them, waiting. © Overlord_MOrdax 2006
OMFG CRAZY RANT AHEAD YOUVE BEEN WARNED LULZ So there’s this castle wherein people use green pitchforks. One stormy evening, they are suddenly attacked by a mob of outraged people with green pitchforks. There are stupid people everywhere, and you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…