Your Yaoi Anime by eccosophi User Name Your Yaoi Title Young Hunter Plot You tutor a handsome young guy, who has a crush on you. Tragic Twist He is evil, and plans to steal your soul.
Archive for November, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone I’;ve been watching the Macy’s Paprade. The ‘Jonas Brothers’ are preforming right now. They’re pretttu good. <3
So I lost my job at the grocery store. Im not particularly broken hearted, but it’ll be a slim christmas, and I’m not sure where I’ll be getting my next job. Boohoo
I want a Jesus Pan!!
My name is Ken Ichijouji. Don’t forget it. I am this person who is here now, the person with the name my mother gave me. But that person is still Ken Ichijouji. Lately I’ve been very sensitive about this fact[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
…I just heard Maggie Brooks say she looks for money under rocks. Our county executive sayss she sometimes looks for moeny under rocks. It was on fox news. She sounded kinda stoned when she said it. *headdesk*
What Kind of Geek are You? Name DOB Favourite Color Your IQ is frighteningly high You are a computer geek Your strength is you never need to sleep Your weakness is electrons You think normal people are aliens Normal people[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sometimes I just want someone to come, solve all my problems for me, and then go away again.
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I finished Gunslinger last night.
The thing about a trackball is how often you lose track of the ball. I got the first four books fo Dark Tower.
Wingfall By Overlord Mordax Atop the peak below the sun, Those peaceful hills then o’er run With races poised to launch attack ‘gainst foe forces, white and black Now gleaming gold against the sky Arcs with grace as quick they[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Loki’s beard have I been sick for the last few days. I haven’t barely bee out of my bed since friday afternoon, and I haven’t eaten any solids since I threw up on saturday. Euuuugh! All over the stairs, trying[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You went trick or treating as MarySue. Iago gave you ACrucifix. Sayid gave you ANail. Ralphie gave you TheBluePill. CheeryLittlebottom gave you AWintergreen. You had a good time until FayeValentine fell through your roof. What’s Your Trick-or-Treat Haul?Shiver My Timber–A[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…