My my, someone has written an essay about me as an otakukin. Fascinating.
Archive for December, 2007
Your Score: The Rat You scored 53% domestic, 21% gregarious, 71% trickster, and 64% intellect! Domestic, Solitary, Intelectual Trickster: you are the Rat! Ambitious and adaptable. Rat people tend to be creative, intelligent, impulsive, and ostentatious. Rat medicine teaches interest,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Into the heart the darkness creeps and in the night his lover weeps a demon dreams but never sleeps
I’m certain this is everyone’s ‘news of the week’ but I have determined through trial and error that babel fish DOES NOT WORK and that expecting it to do so is a frustrating waste of time. I am told that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So now I get paid by the hour. It looks like it’ll be somewhere between 80-120 dollars a week, depending. Mostly, I have Julian to thank for this, as he’s the one who actually had the stones to confront our[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I saw Labyrinth on the big screen at the Dryden theatre. It was awesome, I got a free t-shirt.