imissthembutitwasntadisaster: imissthembutitwasntadisaster: What if you loved me so much it literally undoomed me haha jk unless What if I had so much faith in you it literally reshaped the narrative into a happy ending HAHA JK UNLESS
Archive for June, 2023
imissthembutitwasntadisaster: imissthembutitwasntadisaster: What if you loved me so much it literally undoomed me haha jk unless What if I had so much faith in you it literally reshaped the narrative into a happy ending HAHA JK UNLESS
gourmetbeef: Day 7: (Free Day) Your pointman needs attention, Captain
I fell down a rabbit hole of 1920s magazine illustration! 🤣😍💖
The art of Nell Brinkley. Like Henry Clive, Nell Brinkley was another magazine illustrator for “The American Weekly” working during the 20s. Her work primarily focused on beautiful women and lavish, gorgeous costumes. In a way it resembles the style[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I came upon this image being sold on etsy for $2 as a “digtal download” and you would not believe how much effort it took to find the actual, original artist. His name is Henry Clive (b. 1883– d.1960) and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
madfishmonger: demonsdicksandropes: I see a lot of talk about “actually check ins can be so hot” or “scene negotiations can be sooo hot” or whatever and sure, they can be, explicit consent can be hot, but also. It doesn’t have[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine there’s music playing. You F/O impulsively grabs you by the arm and spins you around, before pulling you into their embrace and kissing you.
nerdy-mlm: call me prettyboy again. ia m a pretty boy. i am a very pretty boy
elizabeth-catarina: not to be controversial but i hope ur having a nice day and if u aren’t i hope it gets better
Alternate versions under the cut.
Jasmine Harley–Mage of Rage, her four alien mobster husbands and their mean wife. ♣️❤️💖♦️♠️👑
Imagine going for a picnic with your F/O. It’s warm, and the sun is shining, and there’s a cool, gentle breeze that’s not enough to blow away any of your stuff. You sit together on a blanket in the grass,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
gameraboy2: Leaping Lizards by Frank Frazetta, 1989
frostedcupcakesftw: i cant believe nobody on tumblr is talking about the neopets creator discord drama going down rn fr fr I found the tea if anyone wants it XD Adam came to the discord server and said some choice words.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
godstrain: and i dream of a grave, deep and narrow, where we could clasp each other in our arms as with clamps, and i would hide my face in you and you would hide your face in me, and nobody[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
femmepillow: I want that ‘we are a team’ kind of love. The ‘if I love you, your demons can come too’ kind of love. Your bad days, your problems, your anxiety. I will hold you through it all. We are[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
femmepillow: I want that ‘we are a team’ kind of love. The ‘if I love you, your demons can come too’ kind of love. Your bad days, your problems, your anxiety. I will hold you through it all. We are[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
nick-nonya: paprikapony: reblog if you’re obsessed with imagery and symbolism and also are a homo
rakkikuroba: Do you ever think about the reason why Albert and Alex didn’t leave Umbrella sooner is because they were financially dependant on Spencer? No just me? Because it’s shown multiple times through Albert jumping from a big corporate to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
gourmetbeef: froggy hat bear hat bois on their Death Island vacation
catgirl-catboy: Feferi… is such a good character. Here are some Feferi things we should talk about outside of “Glub” and “Sexy Lamp” Despite being the literal princess, she’s not hemophobic or classist. Maybe she’s an activist? The entire troll population[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
jame7t: im on the council of “buy myself a little treat.” And buddy, the motion passes 5-1
Yeah, thanks tumblr, “based on my likes” I really wanted to see a reblog chain of people I don’t follow hating on my boy Leon Kennedy. It really made my day. /sarcasm 😭😭😭😭 nobody is wrong for talking about characters[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
melodyclover: time loop fans when it happens again
horrorlesbians: t-shirt that says “stop wildfires! put your cigarettes out on me!”
lambinarmor: slimy snake man
rennerei: Slick and Snowman, humanized and genderbent. What am I doing to these characters
rennerei: Quick Jack for Shalala. This was back when he had a job and shaved in the morning
rennerei: Fräulein Schneemann