Archive for March, 2008
I was unable to get on LJ all yesterday, which is a shame, since I really wanted to post. i can’t remember now what was so important…
Title: WishSeries: Digimon 02Characters: Ken, Daisuke, WormmonRating: G (rated A for angst)Word count: 242Topic: cakeConstructive Criticism: surenotes: sorry for taking the obvious route with this prompt. Ken stared at the candles intensely as if trying to blow them out with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My dad just called to remind me that it’s Ostara today. Sometimes my dad is pretty cool. So, happy Ostara, everybody. ^_^
You know what sucks, almost more than having the flu and having to be at work? Having an old christian hymn stuck in my head. Seriously, I haven’t been to church in years, and yet ‘Sing a new song unto[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Blarrrghhh. I feel like shit. *dies*
So much fucking death. Yesterday I was told that Gary Gygax was dead, and that was bad enough. Today I find out that an old friend took her own life. Hells.