There is not enough DO NOT WANT present in our universe or any other to express how I feel about this. -David (and Mordax)
Archive for August, 2009
This is something my younger brother has done since we were kids and never stopped. Whenever I have something that he wants he just feels free to come into my room, whether I’m home or not, and take it! And[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Those of you who know me well know that historically, MMORPGs and I don’t get along. After trying several different ones, most notably Final Fantasy XI and Matrix Online I was pretty much willing to say that I just don’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Comment and I will comment back with a picture of the fictional character that most reminds me of you. Then post the same in your journal.
It’s not a photoshop job, it’s photo-connective art XD -Mordax
story behind this: hanging on /r/ some guy wanted a pic of Cosgrove from freakazoid hanging out with Spike of Cowboy Bebop. It was midnight, and I was bored. -Mordax *wibble* -David has issues
This is a Silent Hill: Shattered Memories theory I came up with a while ago, and the two new IGN playthroughs really cemented my belief that I’m right, so I’ve decided to post it. Maybe spoilers if it turns out[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So far… (none of these have posts, layouts or icons yet. O_o biiig job) (okay, otto now does, sort of, but that’s it) may be added to in the future. community- mirromhouse Harry Potter Massha Cruz- witchofthebest Severus Snape- onlysaneman[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
for it is that most glorious sin that will be our glorious downfall -mordax
Wow, *you* drank 5 cups of coffee (one of which was a super ultra mocha caramel frap), and now *you’re* upset when we start to feel anxious? Good job, Mordax! -David
Once upon a time there was a young man who wanted to protect his love and unborn child Once upon a time there was a man who wanted to be a scientist, and talk to his dead mother Once upon[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
They called me mad. Heh. -Mordax
Compliments are a great way to boost a person’s self esteem. They can raise your spirits when you’re down and just generally make a person feel good. So leave me a complimenting comment! Am I a good listener? A good[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The best part to me about Silent Hill is the way it impacts your perception of reality. No matter where you are, it leaves you with the idea that any moment reality and sanity could betray you and twist into[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is coming out in september, and I really, really want it. It’s coming out on both PS2, and the Wii. The only difference with the wii supposedly will be slightly better graphics, the ability to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Happy 70th anniversary, Marvel comics. Excelsior! -David
Anybody have the original of Eartha Kitt “I want to be Evil”? All I can find is the remix. 🙁 -Mordax
“Those toys are so much for you.” -King Ganon, OoT We’re going to be replaying the whole Zelda series together (excluding the CD-I). Decided to start with Wind waker just because we haven’t played it in a while, and it’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I *hate* disaster movies. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE disaster movies. -David
The first 2 chapters of my novel for those who would like to see if its ‘too smart’ or ‘not marketable’. Its an escapist YA urban fantasy with reincarnation themes. This is the 3rd draft. (this post is limited[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So, I finally got a response from the agent who sold Twilight. It was a rejection letter. I think that says it all. When you’re not as good as ‘Twilight’. Anyone reading this know a quick, painless way of killing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sometimes I think other people must see me as pretty damn obnoxious. -Mordax
I found a random generator that produces recipes. Like, the kid of recipes that an insane cooking AI would come up with. Or a drunk bachelor with nothing in his refrigerator. Here’s an example. Oysters Surprise Serves 5 You will[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A fox/kitsune mask with 2 sets of eyes.
I’m going really crazy again. You’ve been warned. -Mordax
Pretty close to how I’ve seen myself since I was a kid. XD Not bad for a little flash program. Done with Jojo Face> as linked to me by nightmare_mode I’m gonna make David do one later. XD
I am utterly *obsessed* with A Very Potter Musical, and you should be too. Here are some reasons: 1) great quality performance/music 2) utterly hysterical 3) slashy, tap-dancing Voldemort 4) I’d say more but it would be totally spoilery 5)[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I feel really strange and floaty. It’s not unpleasant.