I am one of the awesomest two people who ever awesomed. The other awesomest had lunch with me today.
Archive for June, 2008
I hate my father and kind of wish I’d die so I’d never have to deal with him again.
Funny and sad at the same time- vaguely otakukin/sb related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBnAZ9oFtwY Link stolen from
NEW RECORD! 12,000 words in one day yesterday! w00t! That brings the total on my novel up to 46k so far.
Deepest apologies to everyone who didn’t know that I was participating in Blog Like its The End of the World day yesterday. Sorry if I scared you.
Shit shit shit. Do you guys fucking see that? Its time for me to appologize for saying I ever wanted to be in a survival horror game. Its a good day to be heading for the hills, the boss couldn’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Gaijin- non-japanese Gringo- non-mexican/spanish Goyim- non-jew Gadje- non-gypsy Why do all the words for ‘not our tribe’ begin with the Guh sound? As far as I know none of them share linguistic roots. It’s a mystery. -D
I am so damned bored. ENTERTAIN ME, DAMNIT.
Finally got around to hoarding a few new icons. Yay?
Found an interesting article on otakukin today. Its an nice take from an outsiders point of view. Most of the article is lead up invovling a discussion of suspension and shelving of disbelief. You can read the whole thing with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I purchased an MP3 player over the weekend, so if anyone has any songs they want me to hear, now would be a good time to send them to my gmail address. 🙂 Also…. bizzare burning pain in my right[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
-42 As a 1930s wife, I amVery Poor (Failure) Take the test! -Mordax
Weird IM exchange just now AIM IM with groundsalmon. 11:52 AM groundsalmon: Hi. Saevitia Snape: hello groundsalmon: Hi. Saevitia Snape: what’s up? groundsalmon: Not much. groundsalmon: So, who is this? Saevitia Snape: Mordax. The otakukin? We spoke before, but I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Taken from tourmalinette Your Boy Side [x] You love hoodies [x] You love jeans. [] Dogs are better than cats. [] It’s hilarious when people get hurt. [x] You’ve played with/against boys on a team. [] Shopping is torture. [x][…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Some of you are acting like spoiled children. The rest of you are acting like deranged children. Please stop it. It’s giving me a a headache. -Julian
text from here: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=80856165&blogID=400653662&Mytoken=24B535A4-62A0-4982-B6C3FECCFE837D1122680029 The Otakukin (if you don’t know what this is this is the article you HAVE TO READ) Alright, I’ve known about these people for a couple of months now and the reason I haven’t covered them[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve updated my website http://www.otakukin.co.nr/ Here is one of the new articles. This one is about the “Otakukin Rapture” which has been on everyone’s minds lately. The so-called ‘Otherkin Rapture’ is a term I first heard three years ago, on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Who the fuck is Avery Tolerone, what is his name doing in my head, and why doesn’t google have an answer for me? -Massha
Who is Your Angel? I am the Angel of Night I serve no one, I love freedom. I am careless, happy and free. We are alike. Click Here to Take This Quiz Quizzes and Personality Tests
So, my family is having a huge drama llama fight like always. This morning my dad said that if I wanted to live in his house I had to “stop supporting homosexuality” because it is a “death cult” that is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I think everyone who watches my journal knows by now, that I’m an otakukin- the reincarnation of Ken Ichijouji, who was portrayed as a character in the anime Digimon. I belonged, for about 2 days, to a nascent otakukin focused[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
One the writing front, did another 10k of my novel yesterday.! Yay! That brings the total up to 23k~ 😀 Longer than any non-derivative/fan work of mine before it. On the fandom front: ALW is doing a Phantom of the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…