As I said, the material is difficult to damage, not impossible. However, dissolving the fabric is not suitable for the goal of tailoring the outfit to customize it. It will merely ruin it.
Archive for June, 2015
The planet of Derse has a stable, resident population of around 700,000. This is exactly equivalent to Prospit’s population. This may seem very small, but remember that both the medium, and the planet of Derse are small to begin with.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There certainly is weather on Derse, as there is on any sort of planet with an atmosphere. You can find more information about Derse’s weather here. As for creatures like rats and mice, the short answer is no, Derse is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This question I have touched on previously, if slightly, here. Derse is typically quite cool by my Earth standards, and its climate and weather do not vary as much as is typical on Earth. During the time of year when[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It is certainly possible, however sad that may be- though unlikely on Prospit without other mitigating factors. Have you dreamed a return? If not, it is possible that you have died in the medium.
pokestar14 in my experience if you are on Prospit, the inhabitants of the golden moon will allow you to work any job you like. If you are interested in a job on Prospit as a dreamer, I recommend that you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Interestingly enough, it seems that mutated sessions are almost more common than ‘vanilla’ sessions. This seems a likely consequence of the medium’s strange temporal properties, as effect often comes before cause.Thus creating quite unique situations in the medium as a result[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The chained moon is used primarily for storage and shipping. Out of a combination of respect and fear, no Dersites actually live on the moon, although there a number of small restaurant and entertainment districts in the area that serve[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I think that a quiz is not going to tell you what planet your dreamself is on.
For all those who wish to know, I am using this custom theme in combination with this background. Do with this information what you will. On the matter of the custom theme, I have found this one particularly clean, functional[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
While this Anonymous individual is likely a troll and spreader of falsehood, on the off-chance that this is both true, and relevant to anyone reading this blog, I allow it to appear.
pepsicolajirk I recommend that you try the steps of my awakening guide. Whether it helps you wake up on Derse or not, it may help with your sleep irregularities.
I have no idea. This is a fascinating question. I suppose that if dream catchers did in fact hold mystical qualities, then one might very well interfere with your connection to your dreamself.
This is often the case, but not a hard and fast rule. What does appear to be a rule is that in a session, at least one player does awaken much earlier than the others, such as I myself experienced.
officialviralbeegaming said:May 10th 2015, 4:29:00 am · 22 days agoI would like to revise my earlier ask, the Prospitian has informed me that the six-year thing is only on Post-Reckoning planets. It sounds as though your medium and mine are[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is most unfortunate. I can not tell you how to guide yourself home. The furthest ring is strange, and twisting, and no one knows how to navigate it. It may be that your body is lost, or it may[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I have heard of several cases of this occurring, so I would say firmly, yes, it is possible. In general, I have found those whom it occurs in rather… detached from their surroundings, or easily distracted.
Thank you very much. My presense, as ever, wanes and waxes with the varying things going on in the medium
This would be highly unusual. Typically, members of a session are split evenly between the two moons. I believe having the scales tipped in favor of either moon would be an indicator of a session out of balance, which may[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am using a custom theme. I could dig up the details if you like