How many people would be upset if I stopped posting Promise here on LJ? First Screen Previous Screen Next Screen Silent Hill interactive webcomic fancomic web comic fan comic
Archive for March, 2011
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I didn’t get out to see the 3DS in action today, but I got a TON of creative work done for the first time in weeks, so that’s good. 🙂 First Screen Previous Screen Next Screen Silent Hill interactive webcomic[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today did not go as planned. 🙁 First Screen Previous Screen Next Screen Silent Hill interactive webcomic fancomic web comic fan comic
In “other people’s webcomics” news, the most recent Order of the Stick is FUCKING DEPRESSING. 🙁 And in MSPA: No, John, don’t trust him! D= First Screen Previous Screen Next Screen Silent Hill interactive webcomic fancomic web comic fan comic
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Great parenting advice, sure to bring your kid closer to Silent Hill! First Screen Previous Screen Next Screen Silent Hill interactive webcomic fancomic web comic fan comic
Had a bizarre dream last night. My boyfriend was wrestling with this horrible tentacle thing that was growing in my kitchen. O__O Also, shit seems to have hit the fan in Marble Hornets, AND EMH! First Screen Previous Screen Next[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Oops. I forgot to post this. T__T First Screen Previous Screen Next Screen Silent Hill interactive webcomic fancomic web comic fan comic
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I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but since I moved, my “computer chair” has been this awful fiberglass school chair. I finally got sick of it putting my ass to sleep and bought a cheap office chair. Compared[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today has been a weird day. Probably doesn’t help that I woke up like ever 2 hours last night because of all the wind. S First Screen Previous Screen Next Screen Silent Hill interactive webcomic fancomic web comic fan comic
I have a major tendency to collect useless occult and paranormal stuff. My main weakness is dousing pendulums. Today I bought a new one. A green stone point with an unadorned metal chain. ALSO! I learned something today, and so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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The TV romance my long term relationship has the most in common with? Kermit and Miss Piggy. >_>
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No matter what I do I can’t seem to please or impress my father. My ignoring current events makes him angry at me, but apparently my paying attention to them actually makes it worse. *sigh* -D
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Starting a new game with my tabletop rp group tonight. We’re playing a Dresden Files game. It would help if I had my character sheet made up. *hurries off to finish it* First Screen Previous Screen Next Screen Silent Hill[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Been rereading my Lovecraft today. >: D First Screen Previous Screen Next Screen Silent Hill interactive webcomic fancomic web comic fan comic
Fri, 15:20: @scotthetsko “Futuristic interweb”? Really, Scott? LOL! <3 Made my morning.
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To think I admired you, well now I despise you! First Screen Previous Screen Next Screen Silent Hill interactive webcomic fancomic web comic fan comic
Ugh, let no one ever tell you a daily comic is easy; even with really basic art. But I refuse to give up. Even on days where it eats all my time. :/ First Screen Previous Screen Next Screen Silent[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I hardly ever weigh in, or even pay attention to, idiotic hollywood paparazzi garbage. However this whole Charlie Sheen thing is really damned hard to avoid, and it caught my interest. Speaking as a diagnosed, unmedicated sufferer of person with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Tue, 16:28: Mythbusters shoukd tackle ‘hearding cats’.
I’m a very auditory person, and that means sometimes I will get voices stuck in my head. Right now I have been watching “Dr.” Ashens bad tech reviews on youtube [link] . He has a fairly distinctive voice, and now,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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