Anyone else going to be at Running GAGG in Geneseo this weekend?
Archive for January, 2008
So I picked up the first book in Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files like sethanikeem suggested a few days ago. I’m really enjoying it. The writing’s great, and Seth’s right, it does seem like the author has either done a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I Am A: Chaotic Evil Half-Elf Bard (4th Level) Ability Scores: Strength-8 Dexterity-12 Constitution-11 Intelligence-19 Wisdom-16 Charisma-16 Alignment:Chaotic Evil A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
No Mary-Sues were harmed in the making of this fanart.
ARRRRRG. I can’t take all this BS. First more stupid internet drama, which, while annoying, I have learened how to handle. But now, my family is going into one of it’s psychotic phases again (dad and Trevor spent all day[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Why does all this shit always come back all at once? Does anyone remember Crazymaxwell? He was the guy who used to go out of his way to fight with me and make me look like an insane fool on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
*addendum to the last post* OH THAT’s why Otakukin are vogue again. Answerman put out his 2007 greatest hits page, and the old otakukin discussion was featured. That explains it.
So first I’d like to give a warm thank Sletia sooooooo much for buying me an LJ paid account! No more adds! Yippee! Second thing is my picture has now been posted on the encyclopedia dramatica Fabulous. It looks like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…