No hotlinking. Or else.
Archive for August, 2005
There will probably be more of these. Use them if you like them, but don’t claim you made them. There will probably be more of these in the future. oh and NO HOTLINKING. “Don’t Beautify me cuz I’m hateful” is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Brothers Grimm fanfiction title: The Strange Tales of the Brothers Grimm author: Me main characters: Jake, Will, Cavaldi, Angelika genre: adventure/comedy pairings: none as yet summary: The Brothers Grimm thought they had seen the last of adventures; Angelika thought she’d[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Title: Strange Tales of the Brothers GrimmCategory: Movies » Brothers GrimAuthor: LejindaryBunnyLanguage: English, Rating: Rated: TGenre: Adventure/HumorPublished: 08-27-05, Updated: 08-27-05Chapters: 1, Words: 1,624 Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Strange Tales of the Brothers Grimm By Lejindarybunny Chapter One: In which Our[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It really saddens me to see all the people trashing this movie, even though, I was sitting in the tehatre thinking ‘this movie is going to be so very underapreciated. And I was right. Personally, I enjoyed this movie very[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I just adopted kittens! Two three month old twin 56666666666l.lki (one of them just stepped on my keyboard) twins! They’re brown tabbies and their names are Fred and George!! (Fred has short hair, George ahs long) Pics soon I promise!!
New sigpic for my account at the Leaky Louunge Yes, I am aware that its ‘racist’ in the harry potter sense, no I don’t want to have a debate with you on the subject. Feel free to use it if[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Poison Danger lies before you while safety lies behind Will you drink the offered cup, or fear what you may find Is it bitter poison or is it sweet beneath Will it make you gag and choke and cling against[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Everyone knows I love canes. Its creepy realy, and probably rather freaudian. Well, I found one I really reall, really want. Its only $14 but I stillc an’t get it. Sigh. It’s pretty though. cane: While I’m at it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Rules: Bold the following that are true about you, italicize things you wish were true, add one true thing about you, and then tag five more people.
Half of me is rotten, the other is just dead.
I made some jak (3) Icons. Yay 4 m3???
So I didn’t get the net shut off. On the other hand, the phone did get turned off. Darn. Oh well, I can deal. In other news, EightofHearts has decided that I am into Jak and Daxter. I really didn’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So if I’m not online for a few weeks, months, etcetera, it’s because my cable got cut off. Oh, and it it kiijs like the same thing’s going to happen to my phone. And my cell phone is running out[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Weiland belongs to eightofhearts.
This, apparently, is the new meaning to “Love thy neighbor” True Story. A religion teacher assigned her class an essay on what makes a good Christian. One student wrote about praying nightly, say no to abortion, banning gay marriage, and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Admire my new icon! Mwhahahahahahah!!!
Yeah, I know I said I wasn’t posting any fanfiction for a while, but this is a one shot, so it dosn’t count. beware, dark, and a bit sexually charged,
Title: Deadly SinsCategory: Books » Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryAuthor: LejindaryBunnyLanguage: English, Rating: Rated: TGenre: AngstPublished: 08-03-05, Updated: 08-03-05Chapters: 1, Words: 2,825 Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Deadly Sins Mike Teavee had been horribly wounded that fateful day at the chocolate[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Those of you who frequent my journal will remember I dyed it ‘weasley red’ back in march. Well, the roots had grown out about three inches, so I finally colored it again. Its darker than my natural color. Kinda chocolate,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…