Hal Emmerich: A tribute to the timeless, comforting familiarity of the anime style 3/4 view portrait.
well, today’s going great already.
I made the mistake of saying good morning to my dad via text and he out of the blue brought up the novel he traumatized me by forcing me to read.
So remembering that is a great start to my morning.
I hate that parents traumatize you with shit they consider perfectly harmless and then get mad at you for being fucking traumatized.

Personal fic backup archive is up and ready. Finally got all fic at least basically categorized and tagged!
Fics archive here date back all the way to 2002 X_X
What really sucks is feeling like shit, and knowing that what will fix it is getting up, drinking enough water, and doing something physical.
But I don’t want to do something physical I want to feel better by laying here and feeling like crap.
It’s still super fucking hot and we didn’t get enough sleep last night because Deluge had a nightmare. We were glad to be up with them, but jeez we feel like fucking crap.
- breakfast: spam fried rice
- lunch: leftover mashed potatoes
- dinner: pulled pork w/bbq sauce and mac & cheese
- 2,100 words horror novel WIP
worked on:
- tagging entries on fanfic archive
- fucking hot its like 90 and humid