Posts Tagged resident evil
dead-pidove-do-not-eat: daigeru: Little gift for @dead-pidove-do-not-eat Here you have Albert Wesker and his waifu B)! FR I TOOK FOREVER WITH THIS because Unable to connect to world but, hoping you like it Birdy ♥ Thank you for being so kind[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
taitiii: Making a plan against Miranda. Chris Redfield, Karl Heisenberg & Ethan Winters. Resident evil Village.
l1m1nalgh0st: The dudes of all time
thedragonhermit: ALT ALT ALT ALT Uh oh, I’m thinking about two completely different franchises at the same time again. You know what that means 🙂 Okay, I have a bit more of an explanation: I made Leon in my 2nd[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
thealmightytrashdump: I played with lighting and whatnot
skelesass: All we see of stars are their old photographs —- Twitter | Ko-fi
fangphobia: Albert Wesker: Former avid mosh pit lover turned secret mosh pit lover.
official-rpd: Doodles based around the concept the spectrum of light Wesker sees changes with his eyes Notes + some vision concepts below Keep reading
regnard13: Noodle man Wesker for yellow color is already here! Rebecca Chambers is next.
willxtoxsurvive: Thinking about how Jake was taught to respect his father even if he was also never even told what Wesker’s name was and was let to believe that Wesker was just some deadbeat. Thinking about how Jake was 14-15[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
gourmetbeef: Day 7: (Free Day) Your pointman needs attention, Captain
rakkikuroba: Do you ever think about the reason why Albert and Alex didn’t leave Umbrella sooner is because they were financially dependant on Spencer? No just me? Because it’s shown multiple times through Albert jumping from a big corporate to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yeah, thanks tumblr, “based on my likes” I really wanted to see a reblog chain of people I don’t follow hating on my boy Leon Kennedy. It really made my day. /sarcasm 😭😭😭😭 nobody is wrong for talking about characters[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
lambinarmor: slimy snake man
fangphobia: Do you believe in God? ‘Cause that is what I’m selling.
gourmetbeef: Day 6: ‘I didn’t know where else to go’
rhiannonkagoe: Albert Wesker warns Jill Valentine there’s an intruder in the Spencer mansion ✨ (more RE comics here)
teratophallia: Shame things had to end this way… Chrisker commission
greenspherecon: ✨🌸Complete•Catboy•Saturation🌸✨
dinjoyer: Captain Meowbert Whisker (I like him the normal amount) +Jake bc if no one will create dad wesker content I WILL.
official-rpd: I love when he goes feral. Men should do this more often
gourmetbeef: Day 5: Mafia AU